Five Easy Steps to Keeping a Clean Ferret Cage

Ferrets can sometimes be a constant 3 year old child that never knows how to keep a food bowl standing upright or a blanket clean. It's what makes them loveable, but it's also what makes their home so unbelievably difficult to keep sanitized. Here are a few quick tips to follow that will help make the cleaning process a bit easier.

Photo credit to the Ferret Rescue Society of Ottawa
Click their name to learn more about this great rescue!

Change Food and Water Every Day: This one seems like a no brainer. But by changing the water you prevent food bits from rotting in it. And by changing the food (even uneaten food) you prevent the chances for molding and stinking.

Remove Wet Bedding: Remove any wet bedding from the bottom of your ferrets cage. This can avoid mold and rot. Wet bedding also has a tendency to soak up that 'musky' ferret smell and cause your cage to smell worse. So by quickly removing spills- you also remove potential odor.

Change Litter Every Other Day: Some people choose to change their ferret litter once or twice a week. We suggest every other day. Ferrets have to live beside their bathroom- unlike cats that can visit it as they please. So it's really important that it's changed regurally. Not only will this prevent messes from spilling out, but it will keep your ferret cleaner.

Clean Blankets Weekly: Throw your ferret blankets into the wash weekly. This helps keep the musky smell from becoming a permanent part of your ferrets habitat. We suggest using an eco-friendly detergent (7th Generation and hypoallergenic brands work well). It's quick and easy, just throw them in with your clothes, pull them out and set them back in the cage when you're finished- no folding required.

Wash Food and Water Bowls Weekly: Simply dip your food and water bowls into some boiling water and whipe them off with a wash cloth. No need to use soap, but simply boiling them will keep germs down and help keep your food and water fresh much longer than dirty bowls would.